Goals of Fail Fast Watercolor Sessions

Welcome to Fail Fast

Our brains are not wired for a constant stream of negative news. Modern media inundates us with a barrage of negativity which can lead to increased stress and anxiety.

It’s essential to find a balance by consciously choosing what and how much news or media we consume. Prioritizing our mental well-being in this information age is a challenge. What Fail Fast attempts to accomplish is the following:

If you are painting along, please save every weeks painting and put a date in the upper left corner.

  • Engage in “Mindful Watercolor Sessions” to clear our mind with focused attention
  • Participate once a week  to create 9 watercolors painting “sections” on one piece of cotton paper
  • Build our skill over time in keeping our attention and focus, involving water color techniques 

Tracking progress:

Save and Date.
For every session peice you we generate, put the date in the upper left hand corner. We will go through these from time to time and reference our notes and results to help learn from our lovely mistakes. And we will be making a LOT of mistakes together.